52nd Annual National Solar Conference
August 8-11, 2023 | University of Colorado Boulder
See the Press Release
We had the best time during our 52nd National Solar Conference. Thank you to all who visited Boulder, CO, or attended SOLAR 2023 virtually.
With over 30 sessions, participants learned about cutting-edge solar innovations and technologies, participated in installer training workshops, and attended tours of state-of-the-art solar and energy storage projects in the local Boulder area.
We are excited to announce that we’ll be hosting next year’s conference, SOLAR 2024, in Washington, DC, on May 20-23! Join us and submit your abstract to speak at the conference at ases.org/conference/solar2024
Plenary: Innovation and Inclusion
Dr. Sunita Satyapal, Director, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office
and DOE Hydrogen Program Coordinator
Innovation and Inclusion in DOE’s Hydrogen Program
David Poli, XPRIZE Foundation
XPRIZE Equitable Inclusion
Plenary: From the Classroom to the Lab to the Board Room
Evelyn Carpenter, President & CEO
From the Classroom to the Lab to the Boardroom
Seth Marder, Director RASEI
Thoughts About Supporting Diversity and Access and Energy and Sustainability
Huyen N. Dinh, NREL
Clean Hydrogen Production R&D
Plenary: Local, National, International Outlook on Getting to 100%
Jocelyn Durkay, CO Energy Office
Renewable Energy State Outlook on Getting to 100% Renewable Energy
Dave Renne, Board Member: International Solar Energy Society and Senior Consultant: Clean Power Research
The Pathway to Global 100% Renewables
T1A – Buildings Track: Active and Passive Projects Including the Solar Decathlon
Peter Ewers, AIA, LEED AP BD+C
Designing All – Electric & Net Zero Energy Commercial Buildings
M. Keith Sharp, University of Louisville
Historic and modern homes that achieve 100% space conditioning with ambient energy
Jes Brossman, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Local Residential Builds with National Impact
Steve Scribner, Shape Architecture Studio
Housing of the Future – Ultra Low-energy Building Envelopes & Passive Solar
T1B – Buildings Track: Sustainable Material Advancement and Design Integration
Jess Brossman, NREL
Residential Energy Efficiency Design Guide for Small Multifamily Homes
Chenshun Chen, PennState
Extracting Solar Visible and Infrared Irradiance Data from Typical Weather File for Solar Building Design and Simulation
Neda Ghaeili, PennState University
Assessment of the window performance from the light provision and circadian light aspects
Steve Kawell
Practical Passive Solar
Victor Olgyay, RMI
Drawdown: Storing Carbon in Residential Buildings
T2A – Grid Track: Microgrids for a More Resilient and Equitable Future
The Green School
Laura Pimentel, U.S. Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE)
Solar Energy Access for Low-Moderate Income Residents in Multi-Unit Buildings in the District of Columbia
Zach Emond, RPSi
A Grid Made of Microgrids
Bill Young and Susan Schleith
Operation and Lessons Learned from Florida’s SunSmart Emergency Shelter Program
Adrienne Pierce, New Sun Road
Remotely and Cost Effectively Control Fleets of Microgrids How Microgrids Can Change the World
Mateo Chaskel, UGE
Leveraging Community Solar and Battery Storage Systems to Strengthen Energy Justice
T2B – Grid Track: Stored Energy for the Future Modern Grid
Dr. Jeffrey Gifford, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Thermal Energy Storage Developments for Grid and Industrial Process Heat Decarbonization
Nir Y. Krakauer Department of Civil Engineering
The City College of New York, Emerging Opportunities in Low-Frequency
Variability of Renewable Resources: a 7-Year Update
T3A – PV/Thermal Applications Track: Digging into the Details – Advances and Learning on PV Performance
David Ginley, NREL
Hydrogen from Next Generation Electrolyzers of Water
Debbie Brodt-Giles, American-Made
American-Made Program & Solar Related Prizes
Keith Wingeard, Solar Cookers International (SCI)
SOLAR COOKING: Advances and learning from solar thermal cooking programs in Kenya
T3B – PV/Thermal Applications Track: Solar Technologies in Action
Eric Buchanan, West Central Research and Outreach Center
Emerging Agrivoltaic Applications for Midwest Farms
Malvika Agarwal, Sriram Sankar Hari, Carnegie Mellon University
Framework for Evaluation of Floating PV Project Proposals: A Guide for US Federal and State Agencies
Jake Archbell, Elevate
Innovative Approaches to Combine Solar, Storage, and Electrification on Affordable Multifamily Housing in Wisconsin
T3C – Solar Thermal Industrial Process Heating Applications
William Guiney, Artic Solar, Inc.
Solar Thermal Applications for Industrial Process Heat
T4A – Life Cycles Track: Getting to a Sustainable Renewable Energy World
Hope Wikof, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Economic Feasibility and Optimal Locations for Photovoltaic Manufacturing and Recycling Plants in the United States
Christopher Toy, Colorado State University Department of Soil and Crop Science
Managing Agrivoltaic Systems for Ecosystem Services
Samantha Reese, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Greener Green Energy Technologies: Reducing Environmental Impacts in Solar Modules
T5A – Education Track: Expanding a Robust Diverse Solar Workforce
Carol Weis, Remote Energy
Growing a Diverse & Inclusive Solar Educator Base
T5B – Education Track: Models and Strategies that Advance Decision-Maker
Jill K. Cliburn and Colter Adams
Engagement The Specter of Big Solar “NIMBY” Personal Encounters and a Research-Based Response
Allison Jackson, Education Director
Engaging the Next Generation in Agrivoltaics
Marc Perez, Ph.D. and Richard Perez, Ph.D.
Transition to Firm Renewable Power: The Importance of Timing
Mehdi Shahriari, Manager of Planning and Analytics
Peninsula Clean Energy: 100% Renewable on a 24/7 Basis
Eric Sippert, PhD Department of Energy, Clean Energy Innovator Hawaii Public Utilities Commission
Public Participation, Community Engagement, and Utility Regulation: Lessons and Paths Forward from Hawaii
T6A – Equity and Access Track: Ensuring Equity and Inclusion in Both Rooftop and Shared Solar
Will McNamara, Sandia National Laboratories
Rate Design for Distributed Solar
Dr. Elvis Moleka, Groundswell
Energy Futures: Resources LMI Community Solar Succ LIFT Solar Too
David Comis, Maryland Energy Administration
Low Income Solar Grant Program
Pete Parson, TXSES
New Pathways for Equitable Rooftop Solar
T6B – Equity and Access Track: Building Solar in Underserved Areas: Rural, Tribal, and Other Communities
Ellen Ross, Department of Energy, Clean Energy Innovation Fellow
Emily Richardson, Colorado Clean Energy Fund, Program Manager
T6B – Equity and Access Track: Building Solar in Underserved Areas: Rural, Tribal, and Other Communities
Angelica Wright, Grid Alternatives
Uplifting Tribal Sovereignty through “Just Transition” Investments
Kathryn Milun, Ph.D. Founder/Director of The Solar Commons Project
Governing Solar Benefits as a Transparent, Local Common Good: The Solar Commons Dashboard
Zahra Thani, Energy Allies
Bringing Community Perspectives to Community Solar
Student Energy Workshop: Entering the Energy Transition Labor Market
Claris Canta and Aarisha Elvi Haider, Student Energy
Entering the Energy Transition Labor Market
~Switch Session 1
Sadie Remington-Gilbert, Cadmus
Building Inclusive Career Paths for the Clean Energy Industry
Riley Neugebauer, Solar for Women/Namaste Solar
A Female Installer at an Employee-Owned Cooperative
Heaven Campbell, Solar United Neighbors
Solarizing Rural America: How we can sow the sun and REAP the benefits!
Anita Ledbetter, Build San Antonio Green
Moving Toward A Climate Ready San Antonio
Susan Schleith, Florida Solar Energy Center – University of Central Florida
Solar Matters: A Renewable Energy Curriculum
Erika Ginsberg-Klemmt, Gismo Power LLC
Mobile Electricity Generating Appliance
~Switch Session 2
Bryan A. Kendall, Dr. Svetlana V. Poroseva
Visualizing Solar Harvesting Potential with Solar Irradiance Dataset across Elevation and Income
Michael Shonka
Solar Radiant Heating for Greenhouses
Mohammad Elmi, Penn State University
Nanoscale Photothermal Effects Driven by Solar Radiation
for Building Envelope Thermal Behavior Management
Nick Nicholson, Solar Pioneer
40 Years Later: Autonomous Homes for 2023 and Beyond
Ariel Kalishman Walsh, Solstice
Delivering Community Solar Benefits Through Community Partnerships
Henry Vandermark, SolarWave
Solar in a Box Containers to Go
Awards Banquet
Sarah Kurtz Presentation (Charles Greely Abbot Awardee)
Technical Workshop: Embedding Justice from the Beginning
Elizabeth Gill, NREL
JUST-R Metrics Framework for Integrating Energy Justice Into Early-Stage Research
Poster Sessions – all poster slides can be found here
Sampson Hao, MS & Gilbert Michaud, PhD
“Investigating Property Value Impacts Near Midwestern Utility-Scale Solar Projects Using Difference-in-Difference Methods”
Shevvaa Beiglary, Dr. Julian Wang, Dr. Ying-Ling Jao
Development of a novel approach for spectral characterization of individual daylighting exposure through windows
Jes Brossman, NREL
Over 700 Student Teams Designing Buildings of the Future
William Ciccone, NEI Electric Power Engineering
Optimizing PV Safety Grounding
Nan Wang, Yanxiao Feng, Julian Wang
Quantifying Solar Light-Induced Thermal Comfort Effects of Architectural Windows
Ben Glenzer, Solar Solutions For All
Changing Inequity & Geopolitics – The Power of Battery Storage
Xiaodi Hou and Juan-Carlos Baltazar, Texas A&M University
Potential Electricity Production of Vertical Solar
Luther Krueger, Big Blue Sun Museum of Solar Cooking
Solar Cooking: Learnings from inventors, promoters,
and tinkerers
Erick Moreno Resendiz, New Mexico State University
Experimental study of a small Beam-Down system for water
preheating/desalination applications
James Orenstein & Michael Fladmark, Trinity River Community Solar Systems (TRCSS)
Aggregated Community Solar + Storage Using Blockchain Transactive Energy
Ash Ragheb, Lawrence Technological University
Embodied Energy and Carbon Reduction Savings and
Benefits of Reusing Structural Components in Office Buildings
Maurice Ramirez, High Alert Institute, Inc.
Renewable Energy Systems Seen Through the
All Hazards, One Health, One Nature Framework
Shafiqur Rehman, King Fahd University of Petroleum
and Minerals
Performance evaluation of a floating photovoltaic system
in Saudi Arabia
Eduardo Rincón-Mejía, Autonomous University of
México City
The potential of inexpensive solar thermal devices in
decarbonizing Latin American countries economies
Matthew Rogers, Cooperative Institute for Research in the
Atmosphere, Colorado State University
A Comparison of Advection-Based and Machine Learning
PV Forecasts for Puerto Rico Forecasting
Morgan Law, Shape Architecture Studio
Housing Our Future: Using Emerging Technology and Passive Solar to Design Ultra Low-energy Building Envelopes
Keith Sharp, University of Louisville
Historic and modern homes that achieve 100% space conditioning with ambient energy
First year performance of the Pagosa Springs Ambient House
Steven Smiley, Smiley Energy Services
Accelerating 100% Renewable Energy Plans
Robert Stayton, Sagehill Enterprises
Passive freeze protection for thermosyphon water heating
Walter Gerstle, CSolPower, LLC
Experimental Testing and Computational Modeling of a Radial Packed Bed for Thermal Energy Storage
Nan Wang, Penn State University
Quantifying Solar Light-induced Thermal Comfort Effects of Architectural Windows
Enhe Zhang, Penn State University
Photothermal Architectural Glazing for Condensation Resistance Increase and Energy Savings in Cold Climates
Industry Round Table
Earth Coast Productions
Media Marketing Best Practices for the Solar Industry
Shahid Mahdi, Product Manager, EnerKnol
Enerknol, Tracking The Renewable Tidal Wave
Patrick Thompson, Executive Director
US Solar Coalition – Change the Solar Equation
Debbie Brodt-Giles, American-Made
American-Made Program & The Solar Prize
M. Keith Sharpe, University of Louisville
Workshop on Ambient Energy for Buildings: Beyond Energy Efficiency
Debbie Coleman, Sun Plans
Sun-Inspired House Design
Solar 101 Workshop
Sean Cunningham, Resolution Energy
Accelerated GHG Reduction with Electrification of Domestic Water
WISE Forum
Debbie Rucker Coleman, Sun Plans
A Journey Inspired by an Incredible Variety of Individuals of all Ages, Sexes, Races & Culture
ASES SOLAR 2023 Annual Membership Meeting
Carly Rixham, Sarah Townes, Kat Friedrich, Ella Nielsen, ASES Staff
ASES Annual Meeting
The full SOLAR 2023: Transforming the Energy Landscape for All speaker lineup is live on our online conference platform! You can check out all the speakers who will be presenting at the conference on the Whova Speaker Webpage.
For conference attendees: We encourage you to download the Whova app on your smartphone or log in via the Whova web app before August 8, 2023, so you can submit questions and comments during the individual sessions.
How to get to SOLAR 2023? The conference will take place in the University Memorial Center at the University of Colorado Boulder. We’ll be in the Glenn Miller Ballroom and Aspen Room located at 1669 Euclid Avenue (corner of Broadway and Euclid), Boulder, CO 80309.
ASES Executive Director, Carly Rixham
Welcomes All to Boulder for SOLAR 2023
Message from the Conference Chair
I am honored and excited to be returning as the Conference Chair. At the SOLAR 2021: Empowering a Sustainable Future conference in Boulder, we began focusing on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in ASES as an organization and in the conference call for participation, making room for and inviting presentations, discussions, and speakers on historical social justice aspects of the energy sector and empowering a more inclusive energy future. This focus continued in 2022 in Albuquerque and will also continue at the SOLAR 2023: Transforming the Energy Landscape for All conference in Boulder, helping to let the light shine in on energy justice and inclusion.
Like attendees of this conference, the American Solar Energy Society is dedicated to helping America toward the goal of 100 percent renewable energy by decreasing the use of fossil fuels and increasing the use of renewable energy sources in order to have a positive impact on the larger issues of climate change and energy justice. The growing awareness and acceptance of the connections between human energy production and climate change have brought a corresponding emotional response many people call “climate anxiety” among veterans in the field, and in particular among younger people.
Climate anxiety or eco-anxiety, like any anxiety disorder, can have a paralyzing effect on sufferers, wherein they might believe nothing can be done or not enough is being done to solve the climate crisis. Each new extreme event —such as the December 2021 Marshall Fire here in Boulder County that saw 100-mph winds drive a small grass fire through semi-rural and suburban neighborhoods, destroying over 1000 homes and buildings in only a few hours— brings more anxiety and fear. Around the world, changes in climate are affecting weather, producing more frequent and extreme droughts, flood events, hurricanes, heat and cold waves, and more. All of this, and a general belief that governments and elected officials are not doing enough to combat climate change, intensify climate anxiety.
The journal Nature published the results of a 2021 survey of 10,000 young people ages 16–25 in 10 countries around the world. The study found that about 2/3 of the young people surveyed reported that climate change makes them feel sad, afraid, and anxious; and over 1/2 reported that climate change makes them feel angry, powerless, and guilty. Nearly 1/2 said climate change was affecting their daily lives. Fewer than 1/3 felt optimistic. Nearly 2/3 of the young people felt governments were not acting quickly or forcefully enough.
I would argue that these same feelings are felt by many people around the world older than 16–25 years old. Weather and climate are complex, but scientists generally agree that the burning of fossil fuels is a major contributor. Young people want to see change in policy, action, and implementation of solutions to the climate crisis they feel.
The American Solar Energy Society and participants and attendees of SOLAR 2023: Transforming the Energy Landscape for All are actively trying to support the transformation of energy production and consumption.
ASES has committed to getting 100+ young people involved in the conference through scholarships to the conference and internships and volunteer opportunities to present, attend, or work at the conference and become a part of the transformation.
I hope to see many young people and you in Boulder in August 2023!
Dale Miller, Chair of SOLAR 2023: Transforming the Energy Landscape for All
Associate Teaching Professor, Environmental Studies Dept., University of Colorado Boulder
The National Solar Conference is America’s leading conference on the emerging trends, technology, and opportunities shaping the new energy economy.
The American Solar Energy Society’s cutting-edge conference series introduces attendees to the leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs moving the industry forward. With the solar energy and energy efficiency sectors changing at an unprecedented pace, this conference helps participants understand the changes and uncover the billion-dollar opportunities.
ASES supports the global initiative that a world equitably transformed to 100% renewable energy is an urgent necessity. Through the ASES National Solar Conference, SOLAR 2023: Transforming the Energy Landscape for All, we will elevate public, institutional, and governmental awareness of the critical role solar energy is playing in the global energy landscape. We must ensure that access to and the benefits from clean energy will be enjoyed by all communities, especially those that have been denied those benefits in the past.
SOLAR 2023: Transforming the Energy Landscape for All will promote the ASES overall goal to “accelerate equitable solar adoption and universal sustainable living by educating and building community.” The conference will focus on research models, examples, and tools for negotiating the challenges to advancing renewables by following justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) principles.
Over the last 51 years, over 15,000 professionals from public, private, and industrial sector organizations have attended the ASES National Solar Conferences. Attendees include:
1 – Flatirons
Visit the Flatirons – hike, rock climb, or picnic at the iconic sandstone formations part of Boulder’s foothills.
See The Insider’s Guide to the Flatirons
2 – Pearl Street
Stroll Pearl Street and shop at the Historic Pearl Street Mall.
See The Insider’s Guide to Pearl Street
3 – Dining
Get a taste of Boulder’s food and beverage scene.
See Guide to Food & Drinks | Boulder, CO
4 – Nightlife
Visit lively bars, craft breweries, inventive distilleries, and quaint wineries. There is something for everyone!
See Boulder Nightlife | Entertainment, Bars & Breweries
5 – Outdoor Adventures
There is endless fun to be had outdoors in Boulder for beginners, experts, and everyone in between!
See Boulder Recreation and Outdoor Activities
6 – Coffee Crawl
With over 46 coffee shops in Boulder, your adventures here are sure to be properly fueled.
See Coffee Shops in Boulder
7 – Tours & Experiences
Experience an entirely new side of Boulder by accompanying local guides on tours by bike, air, foot, or on water. Health & Wellness Tours, Science Tours, Farm Tours, Art & History Tours, and Personalized & Custom Tours are among the many opportunities available to you.
See Book Guided Experiences, Tours & Activities in Boulder, CO
8 – Boulder Farmers Market
Local vendors offer produce, plants, crafts, and eats every Saturday, April through November.
See Boulder Markets & Events
9 – Live Music
The music scene in Boulder comes alive in the summer with live music playing nearly every day of the week.
See Live Music in Boulder | Concerts, Music Venues & Festivals
10 – Attend SOLAR 2023!
Visit Boulder August 8-11 for the ASES 52nd Annual National Solar Conference, SOLAR 2023: Transforming the Energy Landscape for All!
Register to Attend SOLAR 2023: Transforming the Energy Landscape for All
Sponsorship opportunities are now available for SOLAR 2023. Make your mark and get in front of your audience early and often. Visit ases.org/conference for details and contact bsearles@ases.org to sponsor.
Follow ASES on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter for more updates! And join the discussion on the ASES Online Community.
For questions, contact conference@ases.org.
The ASES Conference Cancellation and Refund Policy will be as follows to assure consistency and is applicable to the annual ASES National Solar Conference.
Health and Safety Agreement – Participation in the conference requires that you take a COVID test no more than 48 hours prior to your arrival with the understanding that a positive result will cancel your registration. If the test result is positive, registrants must notify the ASES staff in writing within 24 hours and registration fees will be returned. Also, by attending, you assume all risk related to exposure to COVID and other communicable diseases. ASES will not be held liable for illness. You agree to take all the necessary precautions while at the event including appropriate social distancing and following CDC guidelines regarding masks. You also agree that if you feel ill or have been recently exposed to COVID, you will not attend the conference. If you should become ill at the event, ASES will provide an antigen test on-site.