ASES Technical Divisions

ASES Technical Divisions:


See Division Chair Bios

ASES Technical Divisions bring together diverse members with similar interests in order to engage, educate and grow the community through an exchange of information. Divisions conduct outreach and ensure that ASES programs and publications are technically accurate. Membership in any Division is open to ASES Business, Professional, Student, and Life members. Join the discussion on the ASES Online Community!

For more details, see our ASES Technical Divisions Handbook or contact a Division Chair, or email

Divisions Chair: Trudy Forsyth,

Divisions Vice Chair: Nir Krakauer,

Technical Division Activities

Each Division decides its own activities based on members and leadership preferences. Activities include webinars, papers, articles in Solar Today and Solar@Work, monthly conference calls, and the National Solar Conference. For the National Solar Conference, the Divisions develop tracks and forums and conduct the paper submission review as part of the Technical Review Committee. ASES Business, Professional, Student, and Life members have access to post in the Divisions forums of the Online Community. 


Current ASES Divisions

Photovoltaics Division

(open to ASES Business, Professional, Student and Life members – Join ASES)

Chair: John Burke 

Vice Chair: Rich Stromberg 

Includes direct energy conversion of the sun’s rays to electricity including photovoltaic (PV) energy technology, concentrating photovoltaic (CPV), and photovoltaic thermal technology (PV/T) that captures heat off the backside of PV arrays, cooling them and thus making more electricity.


Solar Buildings Division

(open to ASES Business, Professional, Student, and Life members – Join ASES)

Chair: Julian Wang

Vice Chair: Debbie Rucker Coleman

The Solar Buildings Division encompasses a wide range of solar technologies related specifically to buildings:

            Energy-Efficient Building Design

            Passive Solar Heating and Passive Cooling

            Residential Buildings – Single and Multifamily

            Commercial and Institutional Buildings

            Material Research on Glazing, Claddings, and BIPV

            Energy Analysis Design Tools

            Architectural and Engineering Curricula

Solar Thermal Division

(open to ASES Business, Professional, Student, and Life members – Join ASES)

Chair: Bill Guiney

Vice Chair: Henry Vandermark

Concerned with methods and processes which utilize solar flux for heat-driven applications. Includes solar ponds, desalination of water, agricultural drying, process heat for industry, photo-enhanced processes (hazardous waste treatment), high temperature solar enhanced processes (water decomposition to form hydrogen), materials processing (high tensile strength fiber production by chemical vapor deposition), solar pumped lasers, district heating and cooling, and solar cookers.


Grid Modernization and Storage Division

(open to ASES Business, Professional, Student, and Life members – Join ASES)

Chair: Bill Guernsey

Vice Chair:  Emily Moog

This new ASES Technical Division focuses on municipal grids, national connections, microgrids, and storage. Grid modernization can deliver energy with more reliability and security, handling variable renewables like wind and solar power. The grid infrastructure must be updated to increase resilience and adapt to the changing sources of energy. It can spread economic opportunities in rural and urban communities through electricity and transportation infrastructure investment and upgrades. This Division encourages research and education in the field and promotes widespread development and use of renewable energy, with an emphasis on residential-scale applications.


Energy Economics Division

(open to ASES Business, Professional, Student, and Life members – Join ASES)

Chair: Wyldon Fishman

Vice Chair: Daniel Simon

Promotes renewable energy economics and choices that could affect the efficiencies of the energy markets. Particular foci are solar, distributed generation (DG), existing energy sources, demand-side management (DSM), smart grid technologies, and intelligent software to guide the powerful new grid of the future. Reshaping our energy economy to bring free-market principles into energy markets helps to create new jobs and accelerates aggregate demand in our economy.


Sustainability Division

(open to ASES Business, Professional, Student, and Life members – Join ASES)

Chair: Paulette Middleton 
Vice Chair: Numair Latif

  • Provides a community platform for easily sharing innovative information with an ever-growing solar citizen movement dedicated to actions that help shape renewable energy and sustainable living policies and actions.
  • Expands the sustainability professional and volunteer workforce through educational opportunities and mentoring activities.
  • Reaches out to constituencies that are not already renewable energy advocates or professionals.

Policy Division

(open to ASES Business, Professional, Student, and Life members – Join ASES)
Provides information on local, state, and federal policy as it relates to solar energy and the renewable energy landscape.


Resource Applications Division

(open to ASES Business, Professional, Student, and Life members – Join ASES)

Chair: Manajit Sengupta

Solar resource applications are relevant to all phases of project site selection and design, project operation (via forecasting), and project evaluation and feedback for refinement.

(open to ASES Business, Professional, Student, and Life members – Join ASES)
Solar Today magazine has archives on the development and history of the renewable energy industry. For more technical content, visit our friends at Home Power magazine (now out of publication) for 30 years of archives of technical renewable energy articles.


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