Welcome to the Photovoltaics Division – Join PV forum.
Our Goals
The aim of the Photovoltaics Division of ASES is to support the research and development of photovoltaic (PV) technologies that improve efficiency and reliability. Our goals include:
- Fostering photovoltaic technology and protecting the environment through solar energy
- Facilitating the establishment of ‘Off-Grid’ Sustainable Solar Community Development, with a solar learning-center, economic base, where there is ‘interest & opportunity’
- Creating peer-reviewed high value content
- Helping members keep pace with the latest developments in photovoltaics technology
Our Members
The Photovoltaics Division members are a diverse group of professionals, scholars, and individuals that share and promote the goals as well as engage with other division members. Members include, but are not limited to:
- Engineers, Designers
- Researchers, Scientists, and Scholars
- College Teachers, Students
- Homeowners
Chair –Rich Stromberg, restromberg@alaska.edu
Vice Chair: Kajal Sheth, shethkajal7@gmail.com
Topics We Consider
- Photovoltaic Research and Development
- Photovoltaic Cells
- Solar Energy Conversion
- DIY Photovoltaic Technology
- Concentrating Photovoltaic (CPV)
- Off-Grid Solar Community Development
- Photovoltaic Thermal Technology (PV/T)
- Photovoltaic Systems Design
- Photovoltaic Systems Integration
How We Communicate with the World
- Webinars
- Journals
- Conferences
- On-Site Tours
- Forum
How We Build Our Division Community
We attract ASES members that want to learn more of the topics we consider, and by presenting low-tech, DIY solar, hands-on workshops and video presentations, as well as other levels for interested industry practitioners.
Upcoming Division Opportunities
- Ongoing, hands-on solar workshops (both low-tech and otherwise), with PV and PV/T focus, for the general public and interested industry practitioners