Welcome to the Solar Thermal Division – Join Us Today
Our goal is to provide a forum and means to further the development and deployment of solar thermal technologies contributing to the ASES mission of a 100% renewable energy economy. We endeavor to nurture a community of technical experts who can share their knowledge, providing peer review and educating the next generation.
Our members include experienced professionals and students learning how to make the laws of thermodynamics into dynamic energy solutions.
Many of our members are also members of other groups with a solar thermal focus. We endeavor to partner with solar industries organizations and user groups focused on solar heating and cooling technologies, thermal storage and efficient distribution to loads like hot water, space heating and cooling, process heating, desalination, and solar cooking.
Topics We Consider
Topic areas include complete solar thermal systems and all subsystems for collection, storage and delivery of useful energy. We will survey the membership for specific interest areas for subgroups and consider any viable related technologies or strategies to meet our goal.
How We Communicate with the World
We will have periodic online meetings to discuss the division. Please suggest a topic for a meeting.
We also will hold division meetings at all ASES conferences (in person or online).
If you are a member, you will receive a notice. If not, please join if you are interested.
How We Build Our Division Community
Our division offers professionals a platform for peer review and students an opportunity to learn from experienced practitioners. Our members assist in reviewing papers and presentations for ASES conferences and publications.
Upcoming Division Opportunities
We will have periodic online meetings to discuss the division. If you are a member, you will receive a notice. If not, please join if you are interested.
Solar Today articles – Please submit two-paragraph pitches to editor@ases.org.
Solar Conference Presentations
Consider submitting an abstract for the opportunity to present at the next conference. Learn more at ases.org/conference!
Division Partners
We welcome partners from other user groups and organizations focused on solar thermal.
Division Chair – Bill Guiney, bill@articsolar.com
Vice Chair: Henry K. Vandermark, hkv@solarwave.com