Present day grid was designed and built at a time when power plants in central locations exclusively controlled a 1-way flow of electricity to consumers. A modern day grid needs to accommodate a 2-way flow of power. Grid modernization will provide the foundation that supports the reduction of CO2 in all sectors.
Our Goals
To reduce operational costs and increase efficiency
To keep energy costs affordable and to promote economic growth
To ensure energy remains reliably available and increasingly clean and sustainable
To lower consumers energy bills
To maximize the value of renewable energy generation
To empower consumers to have better control of their energy use and cost
Our Members
Our members include but not limited to the following:
Test Engineers
Renewable Energy Utility Engineers
Policy Makers
Technicians, Operators and Maintenance Personnel etc.
Topics we consider
Grid modernization: The big picture
Grid modernization in distribution networks
Reliability and Quality
Laying the foundation for the next generation grid modernization architecture