Welcome to the Grid Modernization and Storage Division of the American Solar Energy Society. Join us today!
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Focuses on municipal and regional grids, interconnections, microgrids, and storage: evolution of the grid to deliver significantly more energy from intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. Emphasis includes grid reliability, resilience, and security in the face of increasing natural and human-caused hazards such as terrorism and climate change. The Division fosters research and education, making curated technical research accessible and answerable to all interested stakeholders, including researchers, regulators, utilities, developers, communities, and household consumers.
Present day grid was designed and built at a time when power plants in central locations exclusively controlled a 1-way flow of electricity to consumers. A modern day grid needs to accommodate a 2-way flow of power. Grid modernization will provide the foundation that supports the reduction of CO2 in all sectors.
Our Goals
Our Members
Our members include but not limited to the following:
Topics we consider
How we communicate
How we build our community
Upcoming Division Opportunities
Key Resources
Chair: Bill Guernsey guernseyrb@verizon.net
Vice Chair: Emily Moog ermoog@sandia.gov