SOLAR 2014
Architects: Earn AIA Learning Units in San Francisco, July 6-10
The American Solar Energy Society is pleased to announce that it has renewed its partnership with the American Institute of Architects, and will provide continuing education credits at the 43rd National Solar Conference (SOLAR 2014), in San Francisco, July 6-10.
The Passive Solar track offers up to 13.5 Learning Units to AIA members. Learning Units have been designated as Health, Safety & Welfare (HSW/LU).
To learn more about SOLAR 2014, and to register, visit
NADB Loans $40 Million for 40MW Texas Project
The North American Development Bank (NADB) and OCI Solar Power LLC, signed a $40 million loan agreement for the construction of the Alamo 4 Solar Park in Brackettville, Texas. The power will be purchased by CPS Energy of San Antonio. More
SEIA Elects New Board Chairman, Vice Chairman
The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) announced that Nat Kreamer, president and CEO of Clean Power Finance, is the new chairman of the board. Tom Starrs, vice president of market strategy and policy for SunPower, will serve as vice chairman. More
CO2 Allowances Sold for $5.02 in 24th RGGI Auction
The nine Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the nation’s first market-based regulatory program to reduce greenhouse gas pollution, announced record results for their 24th auction of CO2 allowances. 18,062,384 CO2 allowances were sold at the auction at a clearing price of $5.02. More
Financing Publication Available through SEE Action Network
The State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network (SEE Action) has published “Financing Energy Improvements on Utility Bills: Market Updates and Key Program Design Considerations for Policymakers and Administrators,” describing the historical evolution of on-bill programs. It draws on data collected from 30 on-bill programs to review and analyze key trends. More
NREL Finds Extra Value with Concentrated Solar Power
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory reports that CSP projects add additional value of 5 or 6 cents per kilowatt hour to utility-scale solar energy in California. More
LADWP Signs for 300 MW of New Projects
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power signed multiple agreements for a large 250 megawatt (MW) solar array in Kern County and 50 MW of solar power within the city. More
SolarCity and REC Group Sign 100 Megawatt OEM Supply Agreement
SolarCity will purchase a minimum of 100 MW and up to 240 MW of REC’s Peak Energy solar panels during a 12 month period beginning in Q4 2014. More
NRDC: EPA Carbon Emissions Rules to Create 274,000 Jobs
The first-ever limits on carbon pollution from power plants can save American households and business customers $37.4 billion on their electric bills in 2020 while creating more than 274,000 jobs, a Natural Resources Defense Council analysis shows. More