
Would you like to have your ad seen by 18,000+ every two weeks? We have leaderboard and skyscraper opportunities with Solar@Work, with a distribution of 60,000 subscribers and a 30% open rate.

Please review our Media and Sponsorship Kit and contact, with questions and to reserve space in upcoming issues of Solar@work, Solar Today, or on our website.

Solar Today advertisers connect in print and online with a community already laser-focused and passionate about renewable energy and sustainability. Our readers are busy people–citizens, researchers, professionals, entrepreneurs, solar companies, and more. They value Solar Today for its engaging articles, cutting-edge research and analysis, and aggregated information about renewable energy and sustainable living. They are also people of action, investing themselves in sustainable practices, technologies, and companies they believe in. In short, our readers are a pretty integral component of the ASES community.

The power of the ASES community

Advertisers can easily connect to the power of the Solar Today community. They engage and energize readers and build their brands through digital and print display ads.

  • Solar Today publishes quarterly (four times per year) and is reviewed by 45K professionals, advocates, and end users
  • ASES also publishes two special issues (National Solar Tour Guide and National Solar Conference Program)
  • Display ads in Solar Today print and digital magazine editions (45K readers)
  • Display ads on Solar Today website (additional 18K page views per month)
  • Display ads in bi-weekly newsletter Solar@Work (45K readers)
  • Social media promotion on Facebook (142K followers) and Twitter (36K followers)
Recent stats about Solar Today readers:
  • More than 80% of our readers have a Bachelors degree or higher
  • 35% of our readers are at the level of Vice President or higher
  • 62% of our readers report they share Solar Today with others in their home or workplace
  • 12% of our readers report that they share the publication with four or more co-workers
  • 40% of Solar Today readers have contacted a company they’ve seen in the “New Products” section
Readers report that they have purchased or plan to purchase:
  • Photovoltaic panels – 50.8%
  • Solar chargers – 29.8%
  • Solar inverters – 29.5%
  • Solar batteries – 23.6%
  • Solar controllers – 22.1%

Because Solar Today is a quarterly publication, it’s important to make note of our deadlines. Please contact with questions and to reserve space in upcoming issues.

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