Stronger Together Town Hall
Kelly Lynch
Senior Campaign Representative, Sierra Club
Becca Jones-Albertus
Solar Energy Technologies Office Director, Department of Energy
Ari Bortman
Campus Organizer and Inter-Campus Coordinator, Fossil Free Penn
Larry Sherwood
President and CEO, Interstate Renewable Energy Council
Emma Searson
Director of 100% Renewable Campaign, Environment America
Keynote: Clear Vision for Worldwide Action
Scott Sklar
SOLAR 20/20 Conference Chair
Dave Renné
Immediate Past President of the International Solar Energy Society
Policy Track: National and International
Seth Kirshenberg
Federal Purchasing and the Growth of Solar Power
Larry Sherwood
How do Distributed Energy Resources fit into 100% Clean Energy Goals
Carlton (Sandy) Thomas
Solar Hydrogen
Robert Foster
Education Session
John Essig
The International Clean Energy Corps™ — Creating a Global Taskforce to Tackle Climate Change
Johnny Weiss
Global Solar Training Programs for Technicians
Julian Wang
Establishing Cross-disciplinary Solar Buildings Education
Khaled Mansy
Carbon Footprint in the Design Studio, a Paradigm Shift
Lyra Rakusin
Professional to Academic Pathways to Renewable Energy
Susan Schleith
EnergyWhiz: Where Students Shine and Solar Reigns
~switch Presentations ft. Solar Decathletes
Anita Ledbetter
Solar in San Antonio – Bridging the gap to Carbon Neutral
Annie Wolf
National Solar Tour 2020: Expanding on Tradition
Kaycee Chang
ASES Student Chapter Showcase
Eric Weber
Solar Decathlon Build Challenge 2020, Team Las Vegas
Arnoud Draijer
Solar Decathlon Build Challenge 2020, Team Netherlands
Policy Track: Local and State
Damian Pitt
Economic Benefits and Political Challenges for Distributed Solar in Virginia
David Comis
Resiliency Hubs in Maryland
Steven Smiley
Practical Implementation of a 10 Year 100% Renewable Energy Community Plan
Rachel Smucker
Assessing the Benefits of Distributed Solar in Virginia
Roma Stibravy
Converting a decommissioned power plant into a solar array
Rahim Khoie
Zero Emission Network: A CO2 Kiosk Display
Finance Track: Clean Energy Financing
Bill Hagy
Federal Financial Assistance Supporting Renewable Energy Development
Blake Jones
Clean Energy Credit Union
Lori Bird
Pairing Electric Vehicles with Renewables for a Greener Grid
Marc Perez
Renewable futures across the MISO region: Pathways to 100% across the middle third of the US
Michael Stavy
Making Hydrogen Energy Storage Ready for Prime Time on the North American Grid. A Guide for Bankers and Investors.
Sara Gutterman
Essential Market Trends To Grow your Business!
Poster Session
Hyon Rah
Historic Preservation As Means To Scale Up Solar Energy Development
Jennifer Kulp
Solar For All Documentary #DCSolarStories
Shelley Cohen
100% Renewable by 2032: How DC is Using Solar to meet Ambitious Goals
Jesse Duroha
Occupational Risks Associated with Solar Installations: A Review
Mauricio Almeida-Pinto
Assessment of carbon payback time of photovoltaic system considering the Brazilian solar irradiance variation
Nan Wang
Conceptual Model of Sunlight Effects on Occupant’s Thermal Response in Healthcare Facilities
Paarth Gupta
Scott Stibrich
DC Solar Inspections
Teh Lai
Micro-mobility and Renewable Energy
Thomas Bartholomew
Using Existing Administrative Data and Processes to Speed Low-Income Solar Subscriber Uptake
Thomas Dietz
Building a Zero Energy Home
William Young
Emergency Power for all Disasters
Keynote: Citizens Action Kickoff
Daniel Bresette
Executive Director of the Environmental and Energy Study Institute
Steve Nadel
Executive Director of ACEEE
Women in Solar Energy (WISE) Forum
Kaitlyn Bunker, Ph.D., P.E.
Principal at the Rocky Mountain Institute
Marta Victoria
Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering, Aarhus University
Citizens Action Session: Policymaker Interaction Forum
Lynn Abramson
Clean Energy Business Network
Ruth McCormick
The Business Council for Sustainable Energy
Technical Track: PV, Thermal, and Storage
Amelia Amon
Statistical Modeling of Near Infrared Solar Radiation for Building Simulation Use
Ash Ragheb
A Mitigation Framework for Dust Problems on PV Modules in the U.S. Climatic Zones
Everett Barber
Long Term Output Deterioration of Grid-Tied PV Systems
Gaylord olson
New Ways to Combine Solar Thermal with Geothermal
Jeff Cook
Cutting Permitting Red Tape with the SolarAPP
Qiuhua Duan
Statistical Modeling of Near Infrared Solar Radiation for Building Simulation Use
Zhenzhen Yu
Mitigation of Stress Relaxation Cracking in 347 Stainless Steel Welds
Technical Track: Systems and Buildings
James Hall
A national database for solar resource assessment compiled from ground-based observations.
Mostafa Nazemi
The Role of Energy Supply Mobility on Resilience of Solar-Integrated Electric Distribution Grids
Nir Krakauer
Long-range predictability of fluctuations in solar and wind resources
Rahim Khoie
The Carbon Emissions of Wind Power; A Study of Emissions of Windmill in the Panhandle of Texas
Regin Schwaen
House in a House
ASES 2020 Annual Membership Meeting
Carly Rixham, Carly Cipolla, Narelle Kipple, Sarah Townes and Elaine Hebert
ASES Programs, Finance and Community Update
Jill Cliburn
What’s Our Super-Power? Results and Discussion of the ASES Member Survey