June 23, 2013
First Solar has set a record of 16.1 percent conversion efficiency with a cadmium telluride module. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory con- firms the performance of the Series 3 module, with an open-circuit voltage of 903.2 millivolts, also a record for CdTe thin-film technology. The module is designed for utility-scale operations in strings, up to 1,000 volts, especially in dusty desert environments.
Sharp has achieved the world’s highest solar cell conversion efficiency of 37.9 percent using a triple-junction com- pound solar cell with an indium gallium arsenide bottom layer. Performance was confirmed at Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. The company expects to apply the new technology to the concentrating PV market.
Amonix in March demonstrated a peak operating efficiency 36.2 percent with a CPV module focusing on Spectrolab triple-junction cells. Over the test period the module achieved an outdoor efficiency rating of 34.9 percent, a new world record, under standard operating conditions.