May 31, 2012
Dona McClain‘s first day at ASES was in January 1984. The executive director at the time was Roger Harkins, the board chair was Frank de Winter and ASES had five employees. Since then, ASES has held 27 successful conferences; launched SOLAR TODAY, the ASES National Solar Tour, and other websites; published numerous ground-breaking reports and white papers; and much more.
McClain retired March 30, and will be sorely missed.
She served many roles at ASES, including publications manager, SOLAR TODAY proofreader, ASES Chapters liaison, volunteer and program coordinator, awards and Fellows committees liaison, conference registration manager and mail room maven. McClain coordinated the production of The Fifty-Year History of the International Solar Energy Society and its National Sections, working closely with the publication’s editor, Karl Böer. She was also involved in distributing and archiving ASES’ white papers, conference proceedings and SOLAR TODAY.
McClain was honored at the SOLAR 2009 conference in Buffalo, N.Y., with a “25 Years of Service to ASES” award. Over the years, she has helped countless members and solar advocates, and has inspired people to go solar and implement energy-efficiency practices into their everyday lives.