October 22, 2013

Affordable Housing in Austin, TX. Photo: Kimberly Davis Photography
Arbor Terrace, a Foundation Communities Development, Austin, TX
Originally an extended stay hotel, this three-story complex was refurbished and transformed by nonprofit Foundation Communities into a beautiful and energy-efficient affordable housing community for low-income adults.
Rated four stars in the Austin Energy Green Building program and featured on the 17th Annual Austin Cool House Tour in June, retrofits include metal roofing, cement based siding, energy-efficient heat pump air conditioners with occupancy sensors, high-efficiency water fixtures and conversion of parking spaces to tree plantings.
A 76-kilowatt (kW) SolarWorld array was installed by Meridian Solar and is expected to produce an estimated 104,366 kilowatt-hours of electricity annually.
The Austin Cool House Tour is put on by the Texas Solar Energy Society.
For more information, visit: txses.org