July 17, 2014

Next Thursday, July 24, is the first workshop on net metering sponsored by the Public Utilities Commission. We are working hard on answering a series of questions about net metering and its impacts on the solar industry – posed by regulators – and we will have representation on the panel.
We need a strong showing of rooftop solar supporters to attend the hearing and make it clear that we support fair net metering.
Please join us:
July 24th – 9:30 a.m. ( Panel is from 10-noon)
PUC hearing room
1560 Broadway Suite 250
Denver, CO 80202
The following week, Denver will be the only city west of Pittsburgh to host one of four national hearings on the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. The plan calls for reducing carbon emissions from existing power plants by 30% from 2005 levels. Clean energy such as solar power, is one excellent way states can plan to meet the new carbon standards. This initiative provides an exciting opportunity to showcase the jobs and economic benefits of solar, as well as savings on greenhouse gas emissions and water.
Because of overwhelming interest, the EPA has added a second day to the hearings so they will be July 29 and 30. Sign up to testify and make your voice heard by registering here.
Even if you don’t testify, attend our clean energy breakfast across the street from EPA at COSEIA’s home, the Alliance Center at 1536 Wynkoop St. in downtown Denver on July 29 — and then go to pack the EPA hearing room.