ASES is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that advocates for:  

100% renewable energy and sustainable living by sharing information, events and resources to cultivate community and power progress.

ASES Vision: A world equitably and sustainably transformed to 100% renewable energy.

ASES Mission: ASES accelerates equitable solar adoption and universal sustainable living by educating and building community.

 Join our solar community today!


Happy Birthday to Us! This year is our 70th Anniversary! In honor of this great achievement, you are invited to become a Founding Member of the Circle of the Sun. Check out our 2024 Impact Report:  Celebrating 70 Years of Solar Policy, Advocacy, and Innovation.

Check out our latest effort, Project Tiošpáye: Learn about the collaboration between ASES and Red Cloud Renewable at the Oglala Lakota Reservation in Pine Ridge South Dakota. 

Find an ASES PV Installer (or Professional) Near You: Our list of ASES Business Members can help you with your clean energy and sustainable living needs.

Claim your solar tax credit! Learn how to receive the 30% Investment Tax Credit (ITC) thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act!

Check out the scholarship opportunities for students! We currently are offering four annual scholarships.

Advertisement opportunities: See the 2025 Media and Sponsorship Portfolio and contact

We stand steadfastly with individuals and communities around the world who have experienced discrimination, injustice, and unconscious bias.  We actively seek to overcome ALL barriers to global access to clean, affordable, renewable energy. 



Save the Date! Our 54th Annual National Solar Conference, SOLAR 2025, will take place on August 4-6, 2025, in-person in Boulder, CO. For sponsorship and advertisement opportunities, please contact Tom Freeman at Submit an extended abstract for the opportunity to present at SOLAR 2025!


National Solar Tour

It’s the 30th Anniversary fo the National Solar! This year’s showcase weekend will be held on Oct. 3-5, 2025. The National Solar Tour is the largest annual grassroots solar, renewable energy, and sustainable living event in the nation. Despite its name, the Tour also features a bevy of sustainable features. Check out the National Solar Tour Map to learn more about this year’s Tour.


ASES recognizes the harmful effects of racism, sexism, ageism, and classism including, but not limited to implicit and unconscious bias, on individuals and society. We stand steadfastly with individuals and communities around the world who have been victims of discrimination and injustice. This is especially significant given our stated goal to achieve equitable access and transformation to a global society powered by renewable energy. Please read more about our commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) at


Solar Today Magazine

Published for more than 30 years, Solar Today Magazine offers readers fresh insights and information about renewable energy solutions and sustainable living. Explore the magazine!


Our goal at ZEN is to provide the knowledge and the resources to each individual (like you) to help you understand how you can reduce your emissions. We recently received an EPA grant for a solar energy project at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota to advance environmental justice. Learn more


Check out the newest forum in the ASES Online Community! The new, Ask a Renewable Energy Expert forum is a new place for our ASES members to ask technical, solar, energy efficiency and other sustainable or renewable related questions to our team of renewable energy experts. We hope you enjoy and take advantage of this new and great community partnered with the ASES Technical Divisions. Join or renew your membership for access. For more information, please review the Online Community User Guide.


A new nationwide movement of “tiny watts”–very small applications of solar PV and solar thermal–because even small applications add up in a big way! Learn more


The ASES Webinar series will vary from technical content, to everyday information pertaining to solar and renewable energy, and ASES Programs like content from the National Solar Conference and the National Solar Tour. Register for our upcoming webinars today! Please support the ASES Webinar series by donating to our program.

Read the Latest Issue of Solar Today

Public Relations Guide to Newsworthiness

Closing the Communications Gap in Renewable Energy Adoption

AI in Solar Marketing: A Balance Between Tech and Touch

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We offer several membership options for individuals, businesses, and students to meet your desired level of participation.

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We welcome donations of all sizes and types, whether it’s an individual gift, a monthly contribution, or part of a matching gifts program.

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