Why Should Students Attend SOLAR 2025?

ASES is committed to furthering the professional development of students and other people starting out in the renewable energy and sustainability industries through providing educational and networking opportunities. Our goal is for our students and emerging professionals to be involved in SOLAR 2025 through scholarships and internships, as well as presenting, attending, or volunteering. We want students to be empowered to be a part of the renewable energy and sustainability industries. During the conference, students will be able to:

  • Discover what’s next in solar policy, microgrid resilience planning, and workforce development.
  • Share and discuss successful skills to assist you in your personal and professional lives.
  • Grow your network and connect with fellow ASES members who are industry peers, technical experts, educators, and overall supporters of a 100% renewable energy world!


SOLAR 2025 is designed to serve and advance the solar energy industry by bringing together national labs, installers, government officials, and enthusiasts in the solar and renewable energy industries to explore solutions, new technologies, policy initiatives, and other key factors.


At the American Solar Energy Society’s conference, attendees can expect a plethora of networking opportunities with industry experts, researchers, and innovators from around the globe. From structured sessions to informal gatherings, the conference fosters connections that drive collaboration and advancement within the solar energy community. Check out the conference schedule for more information!


  1. We invite you to register here. Please note that ASES Student Members receive 70% off the conference registration price! (Please message membership@ases.org for the discount code.)
  2. As an ASES Student Member, you have the opportunity to volunteer and assist at the conference, which allows you to receive a complimentary conference registration pass. (Please message membership@ases.org to sign up.)
  3. Did you know that you may be eligible for funding to attend SOLAR 2025 in Washington, DC? By sending a letter to your university or manager, you could secure the opportunity to participate in this insightful solar energy conference. See email template.
  4. Intern with us! All interns receive a complimentary conference pass. 
  5. Check with your college or university to see if there is funding to support you in attending the conference.


Over the last 52 years, thousands of professionals from public, private, and industrial sector organizations have attended the ASES national solar conferences. Attendees typically include:

  • Educators
  • Contractors
  • Developers
  • Architects
  • Engineers
  • Installers
  • Homeowners
  • Policy Makers
  • Researchers
  • Manufacturers
  • Solar Enthusiasts
  • Students
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