Sponsorships of the National Solar Tour offer visibility and brand recognition in markets across the country as well as opportunities to uniquely engage markets in specific regions, cities and towns. They also help make this important, long-standing event possible.
Sponsorship benefits include
- Nationwide visibility and brand recognition
- Logo placement and company mentions across 60+ tour markets, multiple events, programs, yard signs, websites, social media, and more
- Connection with people ready to make an investment in solar and energy-efficient products and services
- Legacy of commitment to stronger, more energy-stable communities, people and business
- Tax-deductible sponsorships (considered donations to ASES, a non-profit organization)
What we know about Solar Tour attendees
- 76% of tour attendees surveyed confirmed they are definitely or very likely to purchase and install solar or energy efficient systems after attending the National Solar Tour
- 33% of tour attendees report that they plan to invest in these technologies within the next year and 51% within two years
- 49% of tour attendees indicated household incomes of $75k or greater
sales@ases.org to learn more about sponsoring the National Solar Tour!