(View the full program.)
Sunday • August 5, 2018
ASES Opening Reception 6:30 – 9:00 PM Open to all SOLAR 2018 Registrants! Featuring the following speakers:
Tuesday • August 7, 2018
Solar in Your Community Challenge: A Full-Day Workshop for Challenge Teams and Others as Space Allows
A Workshop Co-Located with SOLAR 2018, Focused on Broadening Access to Solar
The Solar in Your Community Challenge is a $5 million prize competition, culminating in fall 2018, that aims to expand solar electricity access to all Americans, especially underserved segments such as low- and moderate-income (LMI) households, state, local, and tribal governments, and nonprofit organizations. In order to make solar more accessible and inclusive for every American, the challenge works to spur the development of new and innovative financial and business models that serve non-rooftop solar users such as community solar.
The Solar in Your Community Challenge program supports more than 100 teams across the country. It is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Solar Energy Technology Office. This event is produced by Cliburn and Associates, LLC, with additional support from ASES and the Challenge program.
This is the second Challenge workshop co-located with an ASES National Solar Conference. It is held as a free one-day event for Challenge Teams, coaches, technical assistance providers and other SOLAR 2018 attendees (as space allows). This year’s Workshop is built around our belief that project leaders can get the biggest benefit from sharing direct experiences and lessons learned. But to support you, we are also bringing in “solutions” experts, from places like NREL, Grid Alternatives, Solstice, Vote Solar and more.
View/Download Challenge Agenda
Learning objectives:
Remember, the one-day Challenge Workshop, Tuesday August 7, is free to qualified registrants, using the code Tuesday100. In addition, ASES is offering a deep discounts and a number of full scholarships for the FULL SOLARr 2018 Conference (Sunday through Thursday; ticketed events not included). Contact solar2018@ases.org for details on registration discounts and more information.
Click here for more information or REGISTER today!
And later Tuesday evening:
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
7:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Glenn Miller Ballroom
Purchase Tickets
You are invited to join us for an evening of excitement and fun!
Kids come for FREE!
The American Solar Energy is proud to introduce Sven Jorgensen, Master of Impossible Arts.
At the Solar Circus Celebration, Sven Jorgensen, Master of Impossible Arts, will present some of his most amazing circus stunts as he addresses “The Impossible Art of Saving the Planet.”
For 30 years Sven has been training himself to perform impossible feats, all in preparation for humanity’s greatest accomplishment ever, living in harmony with our planet. You will be amazed, you will be amused, and you will leave filled with hope and inspiration as we launch into the next year of pioneering a sustainable future.
Invite friends and family, this is an evening that you will remember long after coal has faded from our energy infrastructure!
Light appetizers, drinks, and desserts will be provided during the event.
$15 early bird
$20 thereafter.
Kids 12 and under are free!
Please contact us at solar2018@ases.org with any questions or concerns.