December 14, 2018

“What can a typical residential customer that doesn’t live in a new home do to address greenhouse gas emissions? Electrification of energy consuming activities such as transportation, space and water heating, lighting and refrigeration is an affordable option—even for existing homes. The question for consumers often is when and where it makes sense to fuel switch.
Many of us are aware of distributed energy resource or DER technologies that can help us generate our own electricity, conserve more electricity and even shift how we use energy for needs such as heating, cooling and transportation. In this video, Tom Hoff, Founder and Chief Research Officer of Clean Power Research, will take us on a tour of a Northern California home that has embraced a range of DERs and electrification approaches. Tom will show us not only how these technologies look in real life, but also how they perform.
What you’ll see in the video is a 30+ year old, real-world home. What you won’t see is a multi-million-dollar, new construction one-off. The home featured in this video is a typical house that’s been retrofitted in specific ways. Put differently, it’s a solar house that has further reduced greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs by embracing fuel-switching and DERs. It’s a Solar+ Home.”